Our Events
We plan different events with a focus on knowledge about Ukraine, Ukrainian culture, history, and competence.
- Events
- culture – exhibitions and concerts
- professional seminar
- How to do business in Norway and with Ukraine
- Courses in various arts

Lyngdal and Ukraine – shared history for 1,200 years
Lecture in Sandalsgården on Saturday 4 November. at 12-13
Lyngdal og Ukraina – felles historie i 1200 år
Foredrag i Sandalsgården lørdag 4.11. kl. 12-13
1,200 years ago, the Vikings formed important alliances and ties with the Kingdom of Kyiv.
– Kurt S. Theisen
– Per-Kaare Holdal
For 1200 år siden knyttet vikingene viktige allianser og bånd med Kyivriket.
– Kurt S. Theisen
– Per-Kaare Holdal
– Kurt S. Theisen
– Per-Kaare Holdal
These historical events inspire the relationship between Ukraine and Norway today. The Viking Age in Scandinavia is characterized by the Vikings’ journeys across the entire European continent.
Free. All welcome. The sales exhibition is also available.
Disse historiske begivenhetene inspirerer forholdet mellom Ukraina og Norge i dag. Vikingtiden i Skandinavia preges av vikingenes reiser på kryss og tvers over hele det europeiske kontinentet.
Gratis. Alle velkommen. Salgsutstillingen er også tilgjengelig.