
Integration and support of Ukrainian culture

Research and Academic partnerships with Norwegian Institutions ↓

Ukrainian-Norwegian Inter- disciplinary Dialogues ↓


Integration and support of Ukrainian know-how or culture

We help to integrate and support Ukrainian content by consulting Ukrainian cultural institutions and artists in pursuit of increasing their presence in Norway via exhibitions, installations, and other creative means.

We organize and oversee creative Norwegian Ukrainian collaborations within music, theatre, photography and art together with Norwegian and Ukrainians professionals and curators.

Ukrainian-Norwegian Interdisciplinary Dialogues

We initiate a cross-cultural dialogue between Ukrainian and Norwegian professional communities and civil societies, we seek to organise and promote events with a multidisciplinary focus on the joint histories, cultures, identities, and philosophies of the two countries with presence of top Ukrainian and Norwegian experts.

Research and Academic partnerships with Norwegian Institutions

  • We are looking for opportunities and solutions to integrate Ukrainian competence, culture and history into the Norwegian education system, with a specific focus on inviting Norwegian universities to take the initiative upon establishing a focus on Ukrainian studies among already-existing courses.


  • We are seeking to build connections with culture centres and libraries to expand the scope of their research/publications, and reach a wider audience with our information materials. 
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